Teaching Tips

We asked faculty members across the University of Windsor to share a teaching tip they use. Here are some helpful tips!

"I use a "getting to know you" worksheet at the beginning of the semester, to better understand students and build relationships"
Victoria Townsend
Sessional Instructor
Odette School of Business
"Practise positive imaging. Have a mental image of your classroom presentation going exactly as you hope. Visualize that image fifteen minutes before class. Let it fill your mind and body. Breathe deeply, and carry that image into the classroom with you." 
Teaching tip by Simon du Toit
Outstanding Scholars Coordinator
Student Experience
" Make the requirements of all assignments very explicit to students, do not assume that it is obvious to them and give them time to ask questions"
Teaching tip by Dr. Alan Wright
Centre for Teaching and Learning
"Be flexible, teach to the level slightly above your audience, promise little, deliver abundantly."
Teaching tip by Dr. Garth Rennie
Media Communications & Film
Sesssional Instructor


Sharing Methods in the Art of Teaching and Learning (S.M.A.R.T.S) is an opportunity for professors to share their expertise and advise on the teaching practices they follow and what has worked best. Taking into consideration the new hiring initiative at the University of Windsor where more 50 new faculty members will join several faculties S.M.A.R.T.S will be a method of easing their transition in the long and exciting journey of teaching. 

Dr. Chitra Rangan, University of Windsor, Advice on Active Learning:

“…  I try to include as much active learning as possible in my classroom because studies have shown that students retain the material better and longer…”