Active Learning

PDF of Strategies for implementing Active Learning

Just what is active learning? How can I apply it in my classroom? The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT) with the University of Michigan has a concise definition and a lot of resources for extending your practice.

Active Learning is a process whereby students engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of class content.

Active Learning is a pedagogy that works for learners of all ages. The CRLT with the University of Michigan has published a PDF of suggestions for teachers, lecturers, and professors who want to begin incorporating active learning in their classrooms.


The CTL at the University of Windsor

The Centre for Teaching and Learning here at the University of Windsor is a fantastic resource for teachers, students, lecturers, and professors.

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL) provides leadership and expertise in pedagogy, technology, and media production to enhance teaching and learning in support of the University of Windsor’s Strategic Plan. The CTL enhances the practice, culture, and scholarship of teaching and learning by:

  • systematically developing effective teaching, which includes assessment, curriculum, and evaluation;
  • providing guidance and support through the integration of technologies and media production services; and
  • consulting, designing, developing, and supporting learning spaces, with a particular focus on general purpose learning spaces.


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